
At the end of the workshop, we will be able to...

  • List ways of using blogs to enhance Maths learning
  • Design a pupil-centred activity that incorporates thinking skills using blogs
  • Create our own blog


Session 1

  • Experiencing Learning Activity with Blogs (I)
  • Working with Blogs
  • Creating an Activity (I)

Session 2

  • Experiencing Learning Activity with Blogs (II)
  • Managing Activities in Blogs
  • Designing an Activity (II)

Session 3

  • Peer Review & Feedback
  • Implementation Issues/Concerns

Session 1: Your Experiences...

Share with us What are your Previous Experiences in...

  • Blogging
  • Reading other people's blogs
  • Reading about blogs and bloggers
  • Teaching using blogs

Click at Comments to input...

Activity 1: What does % mean to me?

What crosses your mind when we talk about "%"?

Click at Comments to enter your thoughts.

Activity 2: Interpreting & Analysing Charts - Storytelling

Pupils from Sunshine Primary School participated in the Terry Fox Run at Sentosa Island on 18 September. Charts A and B tell us more about their participation.

In groups of 4, study the charts and write a short but interesting article for your school’s newsletter.

  • Click at Comments to enter your story.
  • Remember to identify your group before submitting your story.

Activity 3: Making sense of Distance and Time

In Singapore, what are some locations 1 hour apart? Can you tell?

  • Click at Comments to enter your thoughts.
  • Remember to identify yourself before submitting your thoughts.

Activity 4a: Shapes around us

Now, you have learnt the properties of 3 new shapes - Rhombus, Parallelogram and Trapezium.

[30 minutes]
In your group of 4, explore around the school and capture these shapes with a digital camera.

  • Post the photos - one of each shape in your group blog.
  • Describe the shape(s) in the picture.

[10 minutes]

Visit the group blog of your buddy groups.

  • Look at their postings and check if they have the correct shapes.
  • Ask questions to clarify or comment on the pictures.


Illustrations: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3

Activity 4b: Do we know these shapes?

James said, "The flower is made up of 3 shapes - Circle, Triangles and Rhombuses".
Do you agree?

  • If yes, tell us how many circle, triangle and rhombus could you find in this picture?
  • If not, why not? Tell us more what you think...

  • Click at Comments to enter your response.
  • Remember to identify your group submitting your response.

Activity 5: Exploring the best path

In your group of 4...

Part 1:

  • What would you ask so that you will understand the Problem better?
  • Enter your questions under Comments.

Part 2:

  • Based on inputs and discussion, list down the assumption(s) you made when solving the problem.
  • Present your assumption and solutions (when necessary, include diagram for explanation) in your group blog.

Part 3:

  • Study the solutions of 2 other groups (assigned to you).
  • In their group blog, comment and ask questions to clarify in areas that are not clear. You may propose any alternative solution based on the assumptions listed by the groups.

Activity 6: Which is the best buy?

Objective of activity

At the end of the activity, you should be able to apply the concept of hire purchase to solve authentic problems on hire purchase.

Pre-lesson activity

You are to revise

  • the concept of hire purchase and the calculations involved
  • the use Spreadsheet to carry out simple operation such as add, subtract, multiply and divide

You can refer to the following websites for revision:


In the school, all students subscribe to eLearning. Teachers can now post lessons and activities via the eLearning portal. Every student is expected to complete assignments online at least once a week.

The Welfare Committee of the Student Council has conducted a survey and found that some students do not have a computer at home, and they are not eligible for any financial assistance. As a result, they may have to buy a computer by hire purchase.

The Welfare Committee decided to do something to help this group of students. It is going to study some hire purchase plans and recommend the best possible plan to suit the students’ budget.


4 students have approached the Student Council for help.

You are to form a group of 3-4 members. Your group has been tasked to study some hire purchase plans and recommend the best plan to suit the student’s budget.

To help you, the President of the Student Council has identified some brands of PCs that come with hire purchase plans. The websites are given under the Suggested Resources Section.

This is what your group has to do
1. Assign roles: Leader, Recorder, and Time Keeper. (3 min)
  • The leader has to keep the members of the team on task.
  • The Time Keeper has to ensure that the group keeps to the time given during each task.
  • The Recorder will take notes during the discussion.
2. Before you start, you may want to take a look at how you will be assessed under the Assessment Section. (3 min)

3. Study the profile the student your group is assisting, to understand what kind of plan he/she needs. (10 min)
  • Discuss in your group, the questions you have in the Blog.
  • List down the criteria for selection.
  • List down the things that you need to investigate in order to complete the task.

Alternatively, your group may use the online concept-mapping tool (http://www.bubbl.us/) to document your ideas.

4. Find out about the hire purchase plan. (40 min)
  • Do a cost analysis using Spreadsheet for at least 2 computer systems below the cost of $1000 (before GST).
  • State any assumption you have made in your calculation.
  • Recommend a plan for the student that will meet his/her budget.

5. Do a self-evaluation based on the assessment rubric before your presentation.

6. Present your reasoning and findings in your group blog.

Your presentation must include:

  • the factors that your group has considered that guided your search of the 'most appropriate and affordable plan'. This could be a mindmap or a list of pointers.
  • the cost analysis using Spreadsheet
  • your recommendation
  • Remember to acknowledge the source of information in your presentation.

7. In the next one week:

  • Your group will examine/evaluate the proposals by other groups in the next 1 week.
  • Enter your comments and questions in the group's blog (for their consideration)

8. One week later:

  • Study the comments and questions by other groups.
  • Refine your proposal.
  • Your proposal is now ready for submission to the Student Council.

Suggested Resources

The following are some suggested resources. You may look for information from other sources:

Assessment Criteria

Evaluate your work based on the rubric given (refer to Handout). Improve your work before your presentation!

Session 1: Creating an Activity

Examples are BLOG providers: http://useful-resources.wikispaces.com/blogs-facebooks

Practice: Blogger: http://www.blogspot.com/


Upon completion: Enter in the comments the following

  • The Name of Your Blog
  • The URL of the blog
  • Sign off with your name

Important: This has to be entered by the end of the 1st session.

Session 1: What's next...

  1. Classroom implementation (in the next 2 weeks) - sharing in 3rd session.
  2. Reading: Literature Review on Weblogs in Education

Session 1: Closure

We would like to hear from you...

  • 3 things that really interest you...
  • 2 things you would like to know more...
  • 1 good idea from today...

and any other comments you have...

Session 2: Outline

  1. Blogs & Maths Learning (II)
  2. More Features of Blogs
  3. Activity Planning


Tell us more...

Click HERE to Share ONE thing (on BLOG) you have tried/discovered over the past 1 week.

Session 2: How different are these blogs?

Let's examine these blogs... how different are the ways these blogs used in 'delivering' the learning activities...

  • How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?
  • How pupils participate in the activity?
  • How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity?

Blog #1: Joyful Math

Click HERE to go to blog

How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?

  • He uses games to arouse interest of Maths through Maths [Pair #11]
  • Learning through games and activity found on the website [Pair #16]
  • The author has probably used the blog as the large resource depository. The page that we are directed to seems to capture the 'day-in-day-out' information that's posted for the pupils. In some posts, there is a hyperlink to the 'Main Topic' where a more thorough coverage of the topic can be found [Blog-within-blog] (eg. Dot Games - Linking Pairs is part of Paper and Pencil Games)
  • An idea to structure blogs - Each huge topic can covered ina blog by itself. Subsequently, 'active blogs' (that's used with each individual classes) can be linked to this blog. This reduces the time and effort to duplicate content for each class. Also, the blog can be 'recycled' and each time, only one blog needs to be updated when there's another editing required.

How pupils participate in the activity?

  • They can only read and feedback through emails [Pair #11]
  • (a) Pupils can carry out activities found on the blog (b) Feedback through email possible [Pair #16]
  • Yes, students probably just read the information delivered through the blog or they carry out the actvities posted in the blog (at home or during lesson).
  • Pupils can ask questions by sending an email to the teacher (click at "Feedback"). Note that this email method may not be feasible if pupils do use web-based email accounts such as Gmail or Yahoo.
How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity.
  • No monitoring. Should allow students to post comments. Too much text, need some pictures to make it interesting [Pair #11]
  • (a) Statistic column at the side of the blog "number of entries" (b) Feedback from email [Pair #16]
  • Based on the design of the blog and the way the blog is used, the monitoring is most probably through the feedback/reaction elicited during face-to-face sessions in the classroom.

Blog #2: Specially for M1

Click HERE to go to blog

How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?

  • (1) Teacher uses it as a form of motivation to pupils for Maths (2) She includes useful links for pupils to practise division, games for multiplication and some test exercises [Pair #12]
  • Puts in hyperlinks with respect to topic [Pair #17]
  • (1) Make use of interactive weblinks to get pupils to learn about Division (2) Make use of games for pupils to learn multiplication (3) Self testing on multiplication (4) Evidence of managing what pupils did through comments (4) Convenience of execution of lesson [Pair #2]
  • The teacher employs hyperlinks for students to have hands-on practice on Division, Multiplication to add fun to online learning [Pair #7]
  • The blog is used to host hyperlinks to websites that the teacher finds useful to the pupils - which becomes a one-point access for pupils - convenient - as pupils do not need to remember so many URLs and it saves them the hassle (and time) to enter long strings of characters (which could be difficult for primary school pupils).
  • With the resources linked up on the blog, the teacher could have referred pupils to the blog for practices/exercises during the lesson (in the computer lab). Alternatively, pupils can access the resources from home for practice or reinforcement.
How pupils participate in the activity?
  • Through the games, practice exercises and test practice papers [Pair #12]
  • Not clearly stated; Go into other explore [Pair #17]
  • Can't tell pupil participation [Pair #2]
  • By following very user-friendly instructions to achieve self-directed learning in a lively and fun way [Pair #7]
  • Teachers would have briefed pupils on the task before they access to the website during the lesson, to carry out hands-on activity (with the applets or online games).
How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity?
  • (1) No monitoring system except the number of comments if any posted by pupils (2) Suggestion: Create a Feedback form on games/test in the post
  • Not really monitored; independent study [Pair #17]
  • No evidence except through single comment by a pupil who tried 'Division' Activity [Pair #2]
  • By inviting students to post comments, the teacher can have an insight into students' feelings and enthusiasm towards the activity [Pair #7]
  • As pupils do not directly input their 'responses' to the blog, their learning is probably monitored by the online activity (that they accessed - if it comes with some features to feedback to pupils on their inputs). Alternatively, they could be accessed through other means (eg. paper exercise).
  • Pupils can also post comments/feedback on the resources to the teacher.

Blog #3: Math: Measure it!

Click HERE to go to blog. Read more about the learning activity.

How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?

  • To store/document learning process [Pair #18]
  • To record down the process of the maths trail [Pair #18]
  • (1) Blog is created by the leader of the group, Empress Dowager of 3K (2) The creator invites students to post the measurements of the objects that the students come across during several activities held in the school. (eg. the length of a green bean, a round table in the canteen [Pair #18]
  • (1) Learn to measure (2) Teach perimeter (2) Peer learning [Pair #3]
  • (1) It is used as a Maths Trail (2) Use blog to capture the solution during Maths trail activity [Pair #13]
  • The teacher used the blog the 'capture' Maths Trail 'live', to add in the competition in 'real-time' feel for the activity. Through this activity, we observe that more that data collection tools can come in play - using a handphone or digital camera.
  • The advantage of capturing the 'process' (eg. how pupils can measure the table) helps the teacher to surface any commonly made errors.
  • As Pair 18 has pointed out, blog can be used to capture the progress of an activity that takes place over time (eg. the growing of a plant that takes weeks) whereby pupils are able to track the 'changes' that take place over time and comment on their observation.
How pupils participate in the activity?
  • Take pictures and post on moblog [Pair #18]
  • The pupils used the 3G phone to take a picture of the object and how they measured it. then, together withthe answer they found, these were uploaded to the moblog [Pair #18]
  • The pupils mms the pictures of their green beans to shown the growth in height [Pair #8]
  • Measure object @ Maths Trail and photograph action and mms using 3G phone to upload to teacher's i-blog [Pair #3]
  • (1) Measure the length (2) By posting commnets, pictures, etc using 3G phone [Pair #13]
  • Pupils sent their pictures via mms to the blog (together with their answers).
  • Pupils can also comment on each other's work (submitted) and ask questions on areas they do not agree on or not clear.
How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity?

  • (1) Through pictures uploaded (2) But given group work, may not be able to capture individual learning [Pair #18]
  • From pictures and answrs posted up in the moblog [Pair #18]
  • (1) The students are gropued into 4 groups, each group will have a username (2) Teacher can check the number of comments uploaded by each group to check the progress [Pair #8]
  • mms upload of measurement and pictures to teacher [Pair #3]
  • By viewing the posted commnets and clarifying the misconception immediately [Pair #13]
  • Based on the posting by pupils, the teacher can involve the class in the marking process - where, when pupils assess each other's answers, they have to tap on their existing knowledge, too.

Blog #4: Puzzling Problems

Click HERE to go to blog

How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?

  • (1) To solve problems (2) Cater to different learning ability: Expert and Apprentice [Pair #14]
  • Background: This blog is created by a group of primary school kids Observation The intent is for students to solve maths puzzles [Pair #4]
  • The teacher categorises the questions to cater to pupils of different ability (in problem solving).
  • Notice that pupils are encouraged to 'track' the changes in the blog? A possible reason is to get pupils to take note of new activities in the blog. If pupils keep track of this Puzzle blog, whenever there's new posting (such as new puzzle or answers to the puzzle), they will be alerted to visit the blog. This helps to sustain the flow of traffic.

How pupils participate in the activity?

  • Key their solutions as comments [Pair #14]
  • They post their solutions to the blog as comments [Pair #4]
  • Pupils participated by contributing their suggested answers to the blog.
  • It is quite obvious that pupils submit their answers via the comment (although all are posted on the same page).

How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity?

  • Teacher has to access the comments to monitor pupils' learning [Pair #14]
  • (1) Teacher makes a few commnets on the students' solutions (2) Teachr set ground rules for students in terms of giving comments [Pair #4]
  • Pupils' inputs have to go through the 'moderator' (ie. the teacher, Ms Hearman) before it's displayed on the blog. So, this is one way that teacher can scan before allow anything that's decent to be posted in the web.
  • Although there isn't response to individual pupils' answers, teacher can 'scan' through pupils' inputs and 'mark', or surface it for discussion with the class.

Blog #5: SP8-16 Math Blog

Click HERE to go to blog

How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?

  • (1) Through experiential learning (2) looking at the pattern [Pair #5]
  • (1) Post homework/worksheets (2) Call using SKYP (3) Learn (number patterns) [Pair #15]
  • A group blog is used in this case. Pupils are 'invited' to become co-author of the blog.
  • It's likely that the teacher has assigned a pupil to take charge of the posting each day. At the end of the day, the pupil will identify one question that was discussed in the class and present the problem and solution in the post.
  • Over a period of time, the blog captures the learning that takes place in the class.
How pupils participate in the activity?

  • (1) Pupils give their own examples (2) Looking at right angled triangle with different lengths [Pair #5]
  • (1) Pupils use paintbrush to do the workshop (2) Group work [Pair #15]
  • The pupil is the co-author of the blog. He/She will log in and takes charge of the day's posting. It could be a year-long process.
  • From the blog, it's quite evident that pupils are able to post images (which is quite extensively used here). This also means that they are able to scan, take a picture of the written piece of work or use application in the computer to create the image.

How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity?

  • After teacher has taught the topic, the students will blog their reflection and teacher will monitor students' understanding through their blogs [Pair #4]
  • Teacher selectively ask pupils to do summary of lesson [Pair #15]
  • Based on pupils' posting.
  • The teacher can use the aggregator to monitor the posting. If "teaching moments" arises (ie. when there's misconceptions), teacher can add his/her comments in the post.

Blog #6: Ellie's (Grade 7) Math Blog

Click HERE to go to blog

How does the teacher employ blog for the learning activity?

  • Background:
    This blog is created by the teacher (refer profile of Mr Kuropatwa). He invited Ellie to be the co-editor. From the blog name, it’s quite obvious that the teacher helps the pupil to set up their personal blog.
  • Observation:
    The Intent probably is to for Ellie to do reflection. It also serves as a platform that the teacher provides 1-1 consultancy/ advice to Ellie.
How pupils participate in the activity?
  • It’s obvious that Ellie is the only pupil in this blog. She puts in her reflection and thoughts in the blog. She also responds to teacher’s comments/questions posted in the blog.
How pupils' learning is monitored? If this is not reflected in the blog, what would you propose to do so as to monitor the activity?
  • Teacher could have included a hyperlink of this blog in his main website/blog. From there, click at the hyperlink to check regularly for any new posting.
  • He could also use a blog aggregator that will reflect the update there.
  • To monitor any comments input to the post, he could have activated the email alert to notify him of any new comments posted.

Session 2: Participating in Group Blogs

You have been invited to participate in ONE of the following activities as a co-editor of the blog.

Activity 6: http://blogmaths2007-activity6.blogspot.com/

Activity 7: http://blogmaths2007-activity7.blogspot.com/

Activity 8: http://blogmaths2007-activity8.blogspot.com/

  • Spend 1-2 minutes to answer to the question displayed on the right panel.
  • Post your answer in the activity blog.
  • Do you notice any difference in this group blog, compared to the one you created?

Session 2: Closure

Share with us...

  • Your TAKEAWAY(s) of the day...
  • One implementation issue that you would like to bring up for discussion [This is in preparation for our Session 3].


Dear Colleagues

Thank you for your inputs... we'll consolidate and discuss some of the key concerns raised.

For more "implementation concerns/issues", do submit through the posting at the end of this blog.

ETD Maths Team (26 July 2007)

Session 2 (post): What's Next...

In session 1, we developed and implemented a short class activity that makes use of the Comments feature - it was part of a bigger activity.

Next week, we'll develop a 1-2 period learning activity or a project that will involve greater participation of pupils.

  • The entire activity can be put up in the blog.
  • Pupils can respond to some of the components in the blog.
  • Alternatively, if they are going to work in groups, we can invite them to 'group blogs' where they can contribute as a member (like what we did for Activities 6, 7 & 8).
Recall the 6 examples we saw in Session 2 - How blogs are made use by different teachers in Teaching & Learning. Those are some ideas for consideration.

>>> Meanwhile...
  • You may want to think of some ideas for this learning activity
  • We have set aside about 60-80 minutes for the Hands-on in the next session.

>>> See you then...

Session 3: Outline

  1. Sharing of Implementation Experiences
  2. Developing an Activity for Implementation
  3. Review & Feedback
  4. Implementation Issues/Concerns

Session 3: Developing the Learning Activity [Group Work]

[70 min] In groups of 2-4, identify

  • Topic of the activity
  • Level that the activity is intended for
  • Objective(s) of the activity
  • Format of the activity - a 1-2 period lesson activity or a project that lasts for 1-2 weeks?
  • Strategies used - Individual response, Group work, Hybrid?
  • How do you monitor the progress or pupils' work (end-product)?

  • Complete the Activity Planning Form [word document in folder]

  • Start a new blog using any of the member's account [You may want to consider inviting the remaining members to co-edit this blog instead of having just one person to work on the blog]
  • Title of the Blog should reflect the Topic
  • The Class/Level & School Name should be reflected somewhere in the blog (can be at the menu bar or header/footer)
  • Enter your task [as you would present to the class] as posts, in sequence.
  • For the relevant posts, hide the Comments option if it is not required

Remember to...

  • Include your Blog URL and your names in the Word document so that we can link it to your blog site for sharing :D

Session 3: Sharing by Group A

Topic: Solution of simultaneous linear equations involving 2 unknowns

Level: Secondary 2 Special/Express

Blog Title: Simultaneous Linear Equations (S2simult-eqns.blogspot.com [not active yet])

Purpose: To allow students to consolidate their learning and make connections to the real world

Description of Activity:

  • Students tap on resources like news articles and websites to look for interesting/suitable materials.
  • They identify possible variables and come up with a pair of simultaneous equations from the materials.
  • They post their problems in the teachers' blog.
  • Students view other groups' posts and try to solve the equations. They are also encouraged to give constructive comments on the questions crafted.

How the blog is used:

Part I:

  • Objective of activity
  • Task to be completed
  • Example
  • Recommended resources

Part II:

  • View other groups' posts and solve the problems
  • Give comments

Contributed by: Ng Hwee Theng & Lau Hwai Ping (Nan Hua High School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group B

Topic: Arithmetic - Profit and Loss

Level: Upper Secondary

Blog Title: Profit and Loss (http://qssarithmetics.blogspot.com/)

Purpose: Allow pupils to appreciate profit/loss in real life situation

Description of Activity:

  • To get pupils to calculate the percentage of profit/loss, selling price/cost price of transactions done in QSS's budget store.

How the blog is used:

  • We will be including pictures, scenario or graphs of products sold.

Contributed by: Cheng Hwee Jen, Chng Eng Peng, Toh Sieh Ngieng & Lim Soo Ling (Queensway Secondary School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group C

Topic: Maths Puzzles

Level: Secondary 2

Blog Title: Puzzles (http://gloriamath.blogspot.com/)


  • To encourage higher order thinking
  • To create a platform for students to share their opinions
Description of Activity:

  • Enrichment for students (a form of content, process and product differentiation)
  • To gather various strategies adopted by various students.
  • To allow students to post other similar puzzles for friends to give comments/solutions.

How the blog is used:

  • Enriching, Interesting and intriguing puzzles.
  • Diagrams (we tried but encountered technical problems).
Contributed by: Jasmine Tan & Gloria Teng (Nanyang Girls' High School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group D

Topic: Financial Transaction - Rates & Profits

Level: Secondary 1 Express

Blog Title: WWW.@ Retirement (Without Woes & Worries) (http://mrsmathie.blogspot.com/)

To apply knowledge on what they have learnt in Rates & Profits to their everyday life

Description of Activity:
To work out a Retirement Plan which allows Mr. Simpson to live without woes and worries upon retirement at the age of 60.

How the blog is used:

  • Provide a scenario
  • Provide relevant information on Mr Simpson's monthly income & expenses, CPF account balance, website of a particular bank and any other necessary data.

Contributed by: Lee Bin Choo (St Andrew's Sec Sch), N Balasundaram (Chong Boon Sec Sch) & Goh Shwu Jun (Chong Boon Sec Sch)

Session 3: Sharing by Group E

Topic: Transactions – Profit and Loss

Level: Secondary 2

Blog Title: Excuse me, are you a budding entrepreneur? (http://S2PW.blogspot.com)


  • To raise funds for charity by making as much profit as possible from the sale of a product at the charity bazaar

Description of Activity:
  • Students in their assigned groups are to brainstorm and decide on a product to sell which will give them the maximum returns. They have to apply prior knowledge on Budgeting, Profit and Loss taught in Maths. They also require skills from other disciplines as it is an inter-disciplinary project.
How the blog is used:
  • Create a blog to conduct a survey using Polling to do research on the products that are attractive to secondary students, which they are willing to buy at the bazaar.
  • Group members to - brainstorm on the product to sell- make a final decision
  • Create a blog to invite their friends and schoolmates to Vote on the chosen product to confirm that the group has made the right. They will post a photo of the product in the blog.
  • A Spreadsheet template for them to do budgeting and to calculate their actual profit/loss.
  • Post a photo of their stall
  • Members to do reflections after the project has completed:- Vote on how successful an entrepreneur the group is- 3 things they have learnt- 2 problems they encountered- 1 suggestion to improve on their projectPhotos of previous Charity Bazaar as examples
Contributed by: Joel Chan, Cindy Ong & Tan Hoi Hoon (Clementi Woods Secondary School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group F

Topic: Transformation

Level: Secondary 2 Express

Blog Title: Transformation (http://S2-transformations.blogspot.com [not active yet])


  • To relate the topic of transformations to daily applications/life
  1. Divide the class into groups of four.
  2. Get the groups to capture video/pictures showing the three types of transformations –reflection and rotation.
  3. They will then upload to the blog and write a short write-up about the properties of the transformations that they have uploaded.
  4. After uploading the pictures with comments, each group will do peer evaluations and post their comments on the blog.

How the blog is used:

Contributed by: Nur Laila (Queenstown Secondary School), Toh Wee Kwang (Temasek Secondary School), Mak Wai Han (Juying Secondary School) & Jenny Ting (Geylang Methodist Secondary School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group G

Topic: Scales

Level: Secondary 2 Express

Blog Title: Proportion in Disguise (http://scalemap.blogspot.com)


At the end of the activity, not only students are able to apply the concept of proportion to solve problems arising out of maps and scales, this is a good opportunity for them to experience real life application.

Description of Activity:

  • This activity is to be carried out in 1 lesson.
  • Students make use of the information available on the web to apply what they have learnt in class on Scales and Maps.

How the blog is used:

  • Students go to http://www.streetdirectory.com and click Driving Directions.
  • Under the Starting Address, enter their home address or postal code.
  • Under the End button, enter Singapore Zoo.
  • Click Shortest Distance under Travel Via.
  • Record the scale of the map displayed; calculate the corresponding route distance on the map. Also calculate the average speed traveled.
  • A chance for them to have an idea how far they are away from the Zoo.

Contributed by: Chang Meng Pat & Ting Choong Gim (Woodgrove Secondary School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group H

Topic: Negative Numbers

Level: Secondary 1 Normal Academic

Blog Title: Look at the Sky (http://bluebluesky2007.blogspot.com)


  • To reinforce the concept of negative numbers.
  • To apply the concepts to real life examples.

Description of Activity:

  • Students are to read the instructions on the blog and follow through the procedures stated to complete the activity.
  • They will print out the worksheet from the hyperlink and answer the questions on the worksheet.
  • Students are to access the relevant website put up on the blog in order to complete the worksheet.
  • Finally, students will reflect on what they have learnt at the last part of the blog.

How the blog is used:

  • Curriculum: The objectives of the activity are stated at the start of the blog.
    Scenerio: A detailed description of the activity is given.
  • Task assignment: Instructions for carrying out the activity are stated.
    Resource: The URL of a website on weather forecast. Students are to access the website for information.
  • Assessment: A table showing the criteria of assessing the performance of students.
  • Checklist: Consists of questions to prompt students to reflect on what they have learnt.

Contributed by: Victor Tan Chuen Hong (Springfield Secondary School) & Loke Seng Liat (Tampines Junior College)

Session 3: Sharing by Group I

Topic: Arc length and area of sector

Level: Secondary 3 Express

Blog Title: Mensuration (http://missong2007.blogspot.com/)

To arouse interest in the topic

Description of Activity:
An authentic problem-solving question

How the blog is used:

  • The MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system forms the backbone of the railway system in Singapore with a network spanning the entire city-state.
  • The system includes tunnels that run underground.
  • This is a typical underground MRT tunnel.
  • To ensure that the trains travel through the tunnel safely, the engineer has to know
    (1) the perimeter of the wall,
    (2) the cross-sectional area of the tunnel.


  • Suppose that you are the engineer, how would you find the
    (1) the perimeter of the wall,
    (2) the cross-sectional area of the tunnel.
  • What would you ask so that you will understand the Problem better?
    Enter your questions under Comments.

Yes, it includes pictures.

Contributed by: Ong Lu Lu (St.Hilda's Secondary School) & Ang Ghim Chee (Gan Eng Seng School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group J

Topic: Evaluation and Reflection of Section C in Past year Papers

Level: Primary 6

Blog Title: 2006 Practice Paper (http://mathspp06.blogspot.com [not active yet])

To provide a platform for reflection and self-discovery

Description of Activity:
Pupils to enter their scores for Qn 47 and post comments on their performance and difficulty of the questions. In doing so, pupils reinforce their learning and discover how the problem sums could be solved in different ways.

How the blog is used:
Two 5-mark questions on Volume and reflection questions, poll function

Contributed by: Heng Chor Hui Theresa (Henry Park Primary School), Goh Hoong Cheng (Tampines North Primary School), Lin Shwu Hwa (Temasek Primary School), Tan Lay Ai (West Grove Primary) & Soon Yee San (Yew Tee Primary School)

Session 3: Sharing by Group P

Topic: Polygons – Sum of Exterior Angles

Level: Secondary 1 Express

Blog Title: Polygon – Sum of Exterior Angles (http://polygons-exteriorangles.blogspot.com/)


  • To enable students to practice independent learning and for teachers to use blogs as a form of assessment of students' learning

Description of Activity:

  • Students will learn about the concept of Sum of Exterior Angles in a Polygon through their independent self study using the internet links and websites provided
  • Students will give comments on questions posed on the blog
  • The comments will allow teacher to assess students' learning

How the blog is used:

  • Web links and sites for independent learning
  • Questions (with right/ wrong answers) for students to make comments
  • Diagrams for questions

Contributed by: Wong Kok Choen (Chua Chu Kang Secondary School) & Lim Hon Shin Clifton (CHIJ SJC)

Session 3: Implementation Issues/Concerns

We'll use the Send-A-Problem Strategy to come up with collected input to the problems.

4-5 groups will contribute their suggestions to the problem on the envelop.

Session 3: "Send a Problem" #1 - User Etiquettes

  • How to make sure that students do not misuse blogs?
  • How do we get students to respect other students' views and to think before posting?
  • How to ensure students' post relevant stuff (and not rubbish) on the blog (responsibility issues)?

  • User Etiquette - or a set of ground rules to be established before the activity. This can come from the pupils. See hyperlinks at right panel.
  • "What is good and what is not good.", "What kind of feedback would you like to see?" Get students to briefly discuss what they hope to see when they await the response from others and what they do not want to see when others respond to their posting.
  • It is also necessary to remind them that the way they write (the language they use) reflect their thoughts and it leaves an impression on others about themselves, and everybody see it!
  • Practise courtesy and respect each other's viewpoints. Emphasize that they are responsible of what they say.
  • When undesirable comment is posted - eg. one scolds another or use unpleasant words: Do not delete the comment immediately. Create that teaching moment before removing it.
  • Get students to post with their names. Otherwise, comments will not be entertained and will be removed.
  • Another suggestion: Surface the observation and/or work together with teacher(s) of other programmes like CME or Cyberwellness in inculcating the desired values.

Note: Baseline ICT Standards for Pupils - Ethnics in the use of technology.

If you have other suggestions or you would like to share your experience on this area, please enter them in the Comments...

Session 3: "Send a Problem" #2 - Unwanted Audience

  • How to block ‘unwanted’ audience?

  • One way is to set the access to the blog to only 'invited' guests. Also, configure the setting at the permission page such that invited guests are required to login before they have access to the page.
  • Do not disseminate the blog URL indiscriminantly.

If you have other suggestions or you would like to share how you have managed this issue, please enter them in the comments...

Session 3: "Send a Problem" #3 - Invite to co-author or not?

  • It seems a bit troublesome to get students to co-author my blog. They have to create their own blogging accounts before they can co-author my blog.
  • Is there any way that does not require them to create any account first?

  • Time and effort are needed to for the very first attempt to get the 'class' into the class blog. Hence, proper planning is necessary. After the first attempt, it should be much smoother.
  • What's the purpose of getting the pupils to co-author the blog? What is the nature of the activity?
  • Does the teacher need to monitor and edit the postings? or the postings are part of the series of assignments to be submitted?
  • For Group Work: If the teacher has to be given the right to edit the blog, then he has to be the administer of the blog. That will mean the teacher will create a blog for each group and invite them to be members [like what you have experienced in Session 2]. If the blog is more for pupils to post their work while the teacher can give feedback to their posts (via comments), then we can leave the group to manage their own group blog.
  • To start a class blog where pupils contribute to the class journal (eg. learning journey throughout the year), teacher will have to invite the pupils into the blog.
  • If it's only meant for ad-hoc inputs triggered by the teacher, perhaps the usual way of capturing feedback via comments would suffice.
  • If the intent to start pupils off with the habit of writing reflection and journal, it would be good to get them to start their own personal blog while the teacher can monitor the updates of their blogs (through a blog aggregator) or by creating a blogroll in the Teacher's blog.

How would you do it differently? Share with us by entering your suggestions in the comments...

Session 3: "Send a Problem" #4 - Selective Display

How I can show a blog without displaying other blogs I’ve created?

  • This can be done through managing your User Profile (that is displayed at the right panel in the Dashboard).
  • Click at Edit Profile
  • Under Privacy: You can select Share My Profile.
  • Under Show my blogs: You can select the blogs (created under that login account) to be displayed.

Click at Comments to share other ways...

Session 3: "Send a Problem" #5: Keeping it Current

How to keep the blog ‘current’, knowing that we may be too busy to update the contents or respond to the comments?

  • We will have to re-visit the purpose of using the blog with the class.
  • If it is a class activity for a topic, it is quite likely that the blog is only used when we want pupils to access information or attempt the activity during that period when the topic is taught.
  • If it is a class blog, to communicate information such as homework or assignments, the nature of activity would have lead us to update the blog quite regularly.
  • If it is meant to get feedback or as an alternative channel to pupils to ask questions, then activate the email notification and this will bring you to the blog as and when you need to respond to the pupils.
  • If the intent to is supply useful/relevant topical information and websites (one way communication) to the pupils (in the level), perhaps a few teachers can take charge of the topical posting.

Session 3: Closure

Click HERE to access the Evaluation form.


For enquiries, you may contact:

  • Loh Kwai Yin: Loh_Kwai_Yin@moe.gov.sg
  • Chan Weng Kit: Philemon_Chan@moe.gov.sg

On-Going: Implementation Concerns/Issues

In the first session, you have created a blog-based maths activity.

How is the progress of your implementation?

If you come across any issues/concerns/learning points, click at Comments to share with us...

We'll find the appropriate juncture to talk about these...

about BLOGs...

Blogs, or weblogs are online diaries which can either be read by a select audience or open to the internet community at large. A blog is defined as a website with dated entries, usually by a single author, and is often accompanied by links to other blogs that the site's editor visits on a regular basis.

Why are blogs so popular?

  • Unlike a personal diary, blogs allow youth to share about events in their lives with their closest friends as well as those overseas
  • Some youths choose to write about unpleasant encounters involving their friends online so that they would not have to personally confront the situation
  • Yet others choose to write blogs so that their parents would not have as easy an access as if they had written a physical diary

Benefits of Blogging

  • It encourages the diversity of thought - ideas are evaluated based on merit, not on source of origin
  • Filtering - ideas with merit are filtered through various blogs. Significant thoughts or posts receive multiple links
  • Multiple perspectives - one-sided perspective of newspapers are replaced by pssionate debates exploring virtually every facet of an idea or concept
  • Barrier elimination - society is about barriers - actual or unspoken. Blogging allows elites to communicate with people across barriers
  • Free flow - any idea can be expressed and accessed by anyone. The process of blogging separates good ideas from poor ideas. The process itself has built-in quality control
  • Real time - discussions and interactions happen right now
  • Links and connections - the complexity of an information-heavy society requires specialisation. Yet specialisation is futile if a process is not created to link specialities. Blogging strings together disparate fields of interest and thought.
  • Blogs can be used in the education field to help students learn in a medium they are comfortable with.

Negative effects of Blogging

  • Blogging contributes to internet addiction, especially when bloggers spend a significant part of their walking hours either updating their blogs or reading other people's blogs
  • Social/physical isolation - some bloggers communicate about their life experiences only through their blogs and in the process neglect healthy social interactions with others
  • Offensive remarks could be propagated to generate hate among the masses
  • Personal details of bloggers facilitate internet crime

Source: The Offline Guide for the Online Generation